A Custom Stable Vision Project Success Story

Our goal as a company is to be more than a custom lens manufacturer – it’s to make a better world through vision. This story is very inspiring, and we’re really proud we were able to be a part of it.


DS has ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) which has caused paralysis from the neck down.

He is able to move his eyes and blink intermittently as well as some partial facial movements and uses eye tracking technology to type and communicate.

The patient’s care giver was putting lubricating drops on both eyes every 30-60 min all waking hours in order for the tracking software to work properly.  When DS’s eyes were dry the tracking software stopped working and he would have difficulty communicating until drops were applied. 



Exposure keratitis both eyes, dry eyes



DS is able to wear his lenses 12 hours/day when they are applied for him by his caregiver. He is able to use his eye tracking software without the need for application of topical eye drops at a much faster rate and without losing the tracking feature and having to re-calibrate each time. 🔵 👁 ❤️




These lenses provided a huge jump in quality of life for DS. He is able to communicate more effectively and efficiently. The Custom Stable lenses have also reduced some of the care-giver burden of having to apply drops constantly.

In terms of life improvements, by protecting his eyes and maintaining lubrication (as required for eye gaze use) this is then ensuring access to the last viable form of communication available to DS.




Dr. Derek Louie recommended 3-4 drops of viscous preservative free artificial tears in the bowl of the lens to help the staff apply the lenses to DS's eyes. It takes 2 trained staff to lean DS forward, support his head, and apply the lenses to his eyes. 2 sets of staff apply/remove DS’ lenses each day (~11am-11pm).



What is the Custom Stable Project?


Making eyecare affordable is essential to reaching those who need it most.

We’ve partnered with generous donors to allocate $10,000 per year toward providing deeply discounted Custom Stable lenses to those who otherwise would not be able to afford them.



Here’s how it works:

Fill out the application form and submit it to us. We’ll review the application and notify you of acceptance within one or two days. 😊



🛡️ Total Cost Guaranteed


Clinical Analysis of Scleral Lenses on Regular Corneas