Corneal GP Lenses

For post surgery, presbyopia, single vision and keratoconus. Corneal lenses that make a real difference.

Corneal GP Lenses

For post surgery, presbyopia, single vision and keratoconus. Corneal lenses that make a real difference.




Post Surgery

A large-diameter corneal lens for increased comfort and centration that solves most Post-Lasik and Posts-RK issues. Available to order in a multifocal.

  • 1. The selection of the base curve is determined by 'mean K'.

    2. The lens should demonstrate 1 - 2 mm of movement and an alignment pattern across the horizontal meridian.

    3. Analyze the peripheral curve for an alignment pattern with an adequate edge lift, if adjustments are needed, use the step system to customize the fit.

    4. Over-refract the patient to arrive at a spherical power change for best visual acuity, if possible.

    5. If a cylinder over-refraction is necessary, report your findings to a Valley Contax lens consultant to finalize the lens parameters.

Post Surgery

Designed for comfort and centration while delivering vision at all ranges. Can be used for any patient who has had LASIK, RK, Corneal Transplant or corneal trauma.

  • 1. The selection of the base curve is determined by 'mean K'.

    2. The lens should demonstrate 1 - 2 mm of movement and an alignment pattern across the horizontal meridian.

    3. Analyze the peripheral curve for an alignment pattern with an adequate edge lift, if adjustments are needed, use the step system to customize the fit.

    4. Over-refract the patient to arrive at a spherical power change for best visual acuity, if possible.

    5. Evaluate the fit with the near card to determine whether the standard +2.25 add is sufficient.

    6. Call your Valley Contax lens consultant to customize the fit for your patient.





Even larger optical zones, seamless eccentricity provides great centration and vision. Virtually available in any curve and any saggital depth.

  • 1. Determine the base curve by referring to the steepest K reading or steepest sim K value.

    2. If reliable K readings or corneal topography data is not available, select the 50.00D (6.75mm) base curve lens from the diagnostic set.

    3. A lens should exhibit a slight clearance over the central corneal ectasia.

    4. Analyze the peripheral curve for an alignment pattern with an adequate edge lift, if adjustments are needed, use the step system to modify the edge lift of the lens.

    5. Call your Valley Contax lens consultant to customize the fit for your patient.


A reverse geometry lens design built to vault all ectatic corneas with a dynamic reverse curve in 7 step options. Patients who have been diagnosed with Keratoconus.

  • 1. Begin by selecting lens from 7-lens diagnostic set as follows:

    • Flat K: Flatter than 45.00D, Vault: 1, Color: Blue #2

    • Flat K: 45.00 - 50.00D, Vault: 2, Color: Green #2

    • Flat K: 51.00 - 55.00D, Vault: 3, Color: Blue

    • Flat K: 56.00 - 60.00D, Vault: 4, Color: Green

    • Flat K: 61.00 - 65.00D, Vault: 5, Color: Gray

    • Flat K: 66.00 - 70.00D, Vault: 6, Color: Brown

    • Flat K: Steeper than 70.00D, Vault: 7, Color: Gray #2

    2. Continue increasing in vault value until base curve vaults the cornea and assess the peripheral curves for alignment.

    3. Over-refract for best vision.

    4. Call your Valley Contax lens consultant to customize the fit for your patient.




Single Vision

CAD lenses are a corneal GP lens that are an easy fit, cylinder control lens. CAD lenses are laser engraved with the BC and Power for diagnostic organization.

  • 1. Select the diagnostic lens closest to the flat K. The base curve should be adjusted steeper or flatter until an alignment fluorescein pattern is noted centrally across the flat corneal.

    2. Ideal vertical movement of 2-3mm is imperative to achieve a healthy, comfortable fit.

    3. The ideal lift of the CAD design should exhibit peripheral clearance when the lens is resting in its primary position (slight superior). If the .11 (average) edge lift of the diagnostic lens exhibits peripheral impingement, a .14 edge lift should be ordered. If the .11 edge lift diagnostic lens exhibits excessive clearance, a .10 edge lift should be ordered.

    4. The lens power can easily be calculated empirically by refraction over a diagnostic lens.

Single Vision

CELL System lenses are a large diameter, single vision lens that is a cylinder control, easy fit lens. The lens power can easily be calculated empirically.

  • 1. If using a fitting set select the diagnostic lens closest to the flat K. The base curve should be adjusted steeper or flatter until an alignment fluorescein pattern is noted centrally across the flat cornea.

    2. If designing from k reading data, order a lens that is 1/2 diopter flatter than median K. Use the SAM and FAP method to calculate contact lens power after vertexing spherical component of spectacle refraction.

    3. Ideal vertical movement of 2-3mm is imperative to achieve a healthy, comfortable fit.

    4. The ideal lift of the CELL Design should exhibit peripheral clearance when the lens is resting in its primary position (slight superior). If the .12 (average) edge lift of the diagnostic lens exhibits peripheral impingement, a .14 edge lift should be ordered. If the .12 edge lift diagnostic lens exhibits excessive clearance, a .10 edge lift should be ordered.

    5. The lens power can easily be calculated empirically by refraction over a diagnostic lens.





Highly eccentric front surface to achieve a seamless transition. Large standard diameter for initial comfort, centration, and near vision performance.

  • 1. Achieving translation and acute distance vision is the first step.

    2. Evaluate a good fitting lens which is identical to a single vision lens.

    3. With a near card, determine whether the standard +2.25 add is sufficient.

    4. Call your Valley Contax lens consultant to customize the fit for your patient.


The Buckley Bifocal is a great solution that has proved worthy over a number of years. Spherical back-surface executive bifocal. Add power up to +3.50D.

  • 1. Determine the patients 'flat k'.

    2. Start with a lens that is at flat k, or slightly flatter than the flat k.

    3. Evaluate fluorescein to achieve even to slightly flat pattern with good edgelift.

    4. Proper fitting Buckley will settle inferiorly, come up slightly with blink, and then settle back inferior.

    5. Analyze position of segment height to clear the inferior pupil margin. An opthalmoscope is helpful in this evaluation.

    6. Raise or lower segment height depending on position of segment on distance gaze, in normal room lighting.

    7. Perform binocular over-refractions for both distance and near.

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